Dr. med. Gerhard Junga
Dr. med. Christine Kissel​
Cardiology and general internal medicine

Our team

Gruppenfoto der Praxis Dr. med. Junga und Dr. med. Kissel mit Frau Scheidegger, Dr. med. Junga, Dr. med. Kissel und Frau Junga
Portrait von Dr. med. Junga - Kardiologe

Dr. med.
Gerhard Junga


Portrait von Dr. med. Christine Kissel​ Fachärztin für Kardiologin, Sportkardiologie, Mikrovaskuläre Angina, Gender medizin sowie Herzärztin und -spezialistin in Zürich

Dr. med.
Christine Kissel


Portrait von Frau Scheidegger - Medizinische Praxis­angestellte

Silvia Scheidegger

Medical practice assistant

Portrait von Frau Junga - Arztsekretärin

Ursina Junga

Medical practice assistant

We are the voices on the phone and we are responsible for patient appointments, assisting the doctor and managing the practice.

Dr. med. Gerhard Junga
Dr. med. Christine Kissel

Cardiology and general internal medicine
Goethestrasse 20
8001 Zurich